Sumdog Maths
Reading at home
The children were asking about Sumdog Maths website today so we went through the user names and passwords again. Your child has got that on a piece of scrap paper. Please encourage them to use this website to support their maths skills.
Here's the website:
Your child should have bought home a little note book for spelling. Please support them to learn their spelling words every night until the following Monday when they will be tested. Make sure that the children practice writing the words on a separate piece of paper, so that the note book is just kept for the word lists.
Reading at home
I have shown the kids how to use an e-reading website called Oxford Owl, you now however need a password to access it! So click on the words below...
Oxford Owl
Now.....Click on My Class Login.
Username: missbrown13
password: room13
Your child will then need to click on the ebook collection. Use the drop down menu for age, select a book by clicking on the 'e' button and then click read me.
Children can read themselves by putting the sound on mute. I recommend that the children read one themselves then listen to others
P.S We have had trouble getting the login to work in the classroom, so let me know how you go!
Children will be given homework every Friday and it is expected to be returned to school by Thursday morning of the following week.
Tutpup Games
Tutpup is an excellent website for online games learning. You can support your child to join Tutpup and see their learning grow! The website includes maths and spelling.
Visit Tutpup
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