Writers Squad Standards
Listen to each other
Work as a team
Celebrate our goals
Help each other
Term 3
This week we have been focused on writing letters to Commonwealth Games athletes. We have learnt about how and why we should use question marks in our letters and about putting paragraphs in our writing. We all wrote the date and the school address on our letters also, which you will not see below in our published writing! Enjoy......
Dear Jo Edwards,
My name is Libby. I am 8 years old. I am from Nelson New Zealand. I enjoy watching you bowling on TV. I like to do bowling as well at the ten pin bowling.
I know that you come for hair cuts at my house and I know you have won a gold medal.
How many gold medals have you won? How many years have you been bowling?
From Libby
To Valerie Adams,
My name is Lincoln. I am 7 years old. I am from Nelson New Zealand. I enjoy playing hockey at school because i like hitting the ball. I also love playing handball because i can whack something.
I know that you have won a gold medal. I know where you live in Auckland New Zealand. You also live in Switzerland.
Why do you do shot put? How many medals have you got? Do you do any other sports? How do you feel?
From Lincoln
To Usain Bolt,
My name is Jayden. I am 7 year old. I am from Nelson New Zealand.
I enjoy running because I am fast like you.
I know you are super fast at running and you come from Jamaica.
How fast can you run? How old are you? Why do you like running? How many medals have you won?
From Jayden
To Adrian Leat,
My name is Lochlan and I am 7 years old. I am from Nelson, New Zealand. I enjoy playing hockey and scoring goals.
I know that you play judo and you are suppose to win a gold medal at the Commonwealth Games.
How many gold medals have you won? What made you play judo? How many times have you played at the Commonwealth Games? How many people have you taken on the ground?
From Lochlan
Dear Jo Edwards,
My name is Natalia. I am 7 years old. I am from Nelson, New Zealand.
I enjoy watching you do bowling.
I know that you have won a gold medal. I know that you go to Libby's house to get your hair cut.
Where do you live? Are you happy that you won a gold medal? How old are you? Do you do other activities?
From Natalia
To Adrian Leat,
My name is Zak and I am 8 years old. I am from Nelson New Zealand. I love to play hockey, rugby and probably judo. Hockey is my second favourite because i get the ball and score a goal. My favourite is rugby because I score a try.
I know that you do judo. I know you do the Commonwealth game sin Scotland.
How old are you? Who is your friend? Which medal did you win? Why do you do judo? Where do you live? Do you do any other sports?
From Zak
To Lauren Boyle,
My name is Micah and I am 7 years old. I am from Nelson, New Zealand.
I love to go roller skating because roller skating makes us go faster.
I know that you won a gold medal.
How do you feel to get a gold medal? How long have you been doing swimming? How many medals have you won?
From Micah
Our Riddles.......Can you guess what we are?
I come in different sizes and shapes. I can be different colours. I have wheels. I have a seat belt to keep people safe. I have a steering wheel. What am I?
I am cold on hot days. You can buy me from a shop. I melt during hot days. I am a treat. I am sweet. I am yummy to eat. What am I?
I live in water. I come in different colours. I am scary and fast. I can hurt you by biting you. I can't get in a boat. What am I?
I come on a special plant. I take a week to hatch. I am very sensitive to nature. I am easily killed. I can easily get off course. I rest on bushes or trees or the special plant i got born on. I lay eggs. I get eaten by birds. What am I?
You can eat me. I live in a freezer. You can buy me from someone. I come in different flavours. I can melt on you. What am I?
There are lots of people who go there. Sometimes they are big and small. Some people do not like to go into it. It is a sport. Sometimes the colours are different. Sometimes you go into me. Sometimes I am cold and warm. Some people come to me when its their birthday. Some people teach there. Sometimes there is food there. What am I?
I have a long neck. I live in the zoo and in Africa. I have yellow and brown spots. I eat leaves. I have got four legs and a long tail. What am I?
I make beds and traps. I connect to corners in houses. I am camouflage. If rain drops on my home it sparkles. You run into my home when you are in the dark. What am I?
We have been writing reports about a topic that we are interested in. Have a look at what we know about our chosen topic!
Rabbits are a pet that kicks.
What rabbits eat:
Rabbits eat sunflower seeds
and dried corn and lettuce and cabbage and dandelions and carrots. Rabbits don’t like leaves because they
are poisonous to rabbits.
Rabbits make quiet sniffing
noise. Its defence is kicking or biting or scratching.
A good home for a rabbit:
How to make a cage for a
rabbit. You make the walls out of wood. The hen net goes onto the cage. You can
make a metal draw to clean out the poo, so that the bed does not get stinky or
you could make a flap.
Some colours are brown and
white or black or all of the colours or two of them because they are born like
Rugby is a sport. The main
skills are passing, running and tackling.
You need a mouth guard so you
don’t break your teeth. You need socks to keep your feet warm. You need boots
for running. The bottom of the boots has spikes. You are part of a team. Its
good to wear a uniform.
Skills to play:
You need to push and catch
and throw and run, hold, dive, squeeze, drive and sprint. The main skills are
hold, run and pass.
We warm up by running around
the cone and past the last cone. We got to the back and wait. If you don’t practise
you will lose. You can practise at home. You wait in the line until its your
turn. You try to score a try.
You will find out about cats
and their food.
How to care for a cat:
Cats are good hunters.
Looking after a cat is fun but it claws you! Cats can be fat. With cats you can
brush their fur if they have messy fur. Some cats can have no fur. You can feed
a cat once a day. Give your cats cat biscuits and mice. Give your cat a cat toy
to keep it happy.
A good home for a cat:
You can give your cat a home.
The home can be a cat cage or a basket. You cat needs a soft blanket to be soft.
If a cat rolls onto its blanket it is safe. Cats can get baby kittens. First
when a kitten is born its eyes will be shut. When the kitten grows the eyes
will start to open up. Cats can have very sharp teeth. Some cats can have very
big fur.
Motocross is a sport. The
bikes are powerful.
You need goggles so you don’t
hurt your head. You need a mouthguard to protect your teeth. When you jump your
bike you can do a back flip. You wear a motorbike top so you don’t scratch
yourself and protective pants so you don’t hurt your leg. You wear motorbike
boots so your foot doesn’t come off. You have to have a motorbike to ride.
You can practise at home or
practise at the racetrack. You start off going slow. When you start getting the
hang of it you can go fast. If you don’t practise you can’t ride properly and
you can crash.
When you race you have to be
careful. If you don’t be careful you can get knocked off, it hurts.
Swimming is a sport. Lots of
people know how to do backstroke and freestyle.
You will need some goggles to
keep the water out of your eyes. Some people need a swimming cap to keep the
water out of their hair. All people need togs and boys need pants and girls
need togs so they don’t have to be naked.
Some people go to swimming
lessons to learn how to swim. They have to do kicking and put their head under
the water. All people do freestyle. You have to kick and put your arms over and
over. Then you have to breath so you don’t drown. Backstroke is quite hard. You
have to stay on your back and kick. You
need to put your arms over backwards like a windmill.
Dogs are an animal.
How to care for dogs:
You need to feed them twice a
day. Take him for walks at Izel Park 3 times a day. Take some biscuits on the
way. You need to play with your dog also with a ball. This will be fun! You
need to feed it 3 times a day so it will not be lonely. You need to give it
A good home for a dog:
Welcome home your dog with a
quiet voice. Give your dog a nice warm bed. Make him warm with lots of blankets
and to keep him warm and happy give him lots of cuddles. You need to clean your
dog’s bed so your dog is clean. You need to take your dog exercising so your dog
is fit for walks. My dog sleeps inside so it wont be cold.
Guinea Pigs
You will find out about
Guinea Pigs there fore, cage and care.
How to care for a guinea pig:
You need a big area. You need
a brush. You need two guinea pig otherwise the guinea pig will die. My guinea
pig looks like a mouse. It is funny but it is cute. They need to live in a
double cage.
A good home for a guinea pig:
Your guinea pig will need a
warm hutch to live in. A hutch should have one bit you see into and one bit
that is closed off where your guinea pig can sleep. In the hutch they need
carrots, grass and hay.
What guinea pigs eat:
They chew on wood. They drink
water. They eat apple, cucumber and pears, carrots and broccoli. They eat hay
and grass to. They like grass the best.
There are many types of
dinosaurs and they are all extinct.
Types of dinosaurs:
Aerodactyl have lots of enemies.
All the enemies are all the dinosaurs that can’t fly. My favourite dinosaur is a Aerodactyl because it flies.
Where they lived:
T-rex lived in the forest and
woodland. Home to many of the dinosaurs is the desert.
A quick look at the
Aerodactyl fly all around the
deserts. They have no feathers and a sharp beak.
Look at these crazy Flanimals we created! We have also written descriptions about them! Come and join us for our Writer's Squad session at 9.15am in the staffroom, we would love to share with you! Go onto switch zoo at home and write a description about your created Flanimal.
More Flanimal descriptions! Great job Writers Squad!
Tongue Out
When Tongue Out poke's his tongue out he scares other predators! Tongue Out creeps up to other animals to get food! Sometimes Tongue Out would jump out at your. If you say come down he would come down and he would be your best friend. Tongue Out pokes his tongue out to scare other animals away! Tongue Out is very very long! He has leaves on his head. Tongue Out has legs that are like triangles! Tongue Out is very orange and very scary.
Smoothy Move
Smoothy Move is the fattest Flanimal on earth. Smoothy Move
jumps so high it is like he is flying like Super Man. Sometimes he has to brush
his hair. He looks like a zombie because he has his arms out. He calls himself
Smoothy Move because he moves like a smoothy and his hair is smooth. He is
scared of himself because he kills himself, he doesn’t know why. Smoothy Move can breath fire that’s why he is
scared of himself. When Smoothy Move gets mad he grows big muscles. He only
gets mad at bad people. He is all skinny and bony and yellow.
Miss 3 Legs
She eats slime and worms and some small bugs. Miss 3 Legs
hops everywhere because that makes her faster. She cartwheels everywhere also.
Miss 3 Legs is a like green flower. She has 3 bones and she has 2 bulging eyes.
Beware she can jump on you and knock you over.
Baby Mernimbler
Baby Mernimbler prickles you. But do not say I love you
because it will scare you away. She can walk slowly and while walking she eats
oranges. Baby Mernimbler giggles when you say I like you. She is purple and
chubby. Baby Mernimbler hurts other Flanimals with her spikes. Beware do not
say I like you because it would make a very scary monster and it would make you
go away and never come back.
Mr Potato
Mr Potato moves by sliding and running and jumping. He grows
potatoes and crouches to eat bugs and he disappears. When Mr Potato does his
defence he sometimes belly flops and eats and electrocutes. His warning
is….beware I eat potatoes! His appearance is a potato with hands and feet and a
little bit of hair. When he is hungry he eats giant potatoes and sparkling
By Zak
Spot Gaser
Spot Gaser’s food is any heads or feet or eyeballs. It runs
away from Smovy Move since it jumps on Spot Gaser’s back and it hurts. He hides
when Smovy Move is near. It swims when it is hungry. When it sees a head it
jumps on it to eat. It’s awful smell helps to protect itself from other
flanimals. It looks blue and slobbery and fat. It has a warning….I will eat
your head!
By Lochlan
Volcano Explosion
His warning is he will jump on you if you say he is mean. He
eats fire balls, worms and jelly worms. Volcano Explosion is massive because he
will explode. He will go back together again. He kills by electrocuting and
hiding. He keeps himself safe by shooting lava balls. He looks like volcano
rivers and he is massive and lumpy.
By Lincoln
Sponge Monster
It crouches very fast. He can go through walls. It stomps.
It eats other monsters. The Sponge Monster likes to eat little monsters. The
Sponge Monster kills, smashes and hits. It puts its tummy out. It looks like an
alien. It jumps. Sponge Monster pretends it is dead when other Flaminals go
near. Sponge Monster gobbles up monsters. It’s warning is smacking.
By Jadan
Have a look at our pictures and descriptions of our very own Flanimals! We were working on making sure that we had adjectives and verbs in our writing.
Potato Monster jumps very nicely and slowly. Potato Monster
eats purple potatoes. Potato Monster is very stripy. She defends herself. She
does cartwheels. Beware baby Potato Monster because big Potato Monster eats
Electric Monster walks really fast. Electric Monster
wobbles. The Electric Monster eats other monsters. The colour of the monster is
blue. Its defence is electric wires. Beware of the Electric Monster because it
will electrocute everything it touches!
Spottyflowerpot jumps to walk. She jumps funnily always. She
eats baby Flanimals. She laughs. She’s purple and spotty. Her defence is her
electric petals. She does cartwheels everyday. Beware she eats baby Flanimals!
Cabbage head moves like red jelly. He is as fat as the sun.
Cabbage Head has got a green head. He gets so fat he can not fit through doors
and he can smash buildings down. He can gobble you up! Warning….strong, fat and
juicy cabbage bombs alert!
Gaser moves by sliding really fast. He defends himself by
shooting gas that kills you. It eats anything. His appearance it is green and
scary and slimy. Beware Flanimals from Gaser as the poisonous gases will kill
Gobble Monster flies and he jumps. When Gobble Monster gets
a fright she electrocutes the monster.
Gobble Monster eats golden trees and sliver grasses. She has a scary
appearance! She looks like food and she eats golden trees.
Electric Skeleton moves by flying. It flies high in the sky.
It eats green grass and small Flanimals and big bugs. It goes hunting. If a
Flanimal tries to hurt it, he wont get hurt because he has a skull. Electric
Skeleton will kill you if you go near him!
Ghosteater moves by stomping, rolling, running and jumping.
Ghosteater’s defence is to eat, punch, kick. Ghosteater’s appearance is cool
and ugly. Ghosteater’s food is adult. Flanimals. Ghosteater eats all day!
Ghosteater’s warning….look out adult Flanimals you should look out!
WOW...I don't know if it is safe to come to room 13 anymore. Too many monsters that might eat me up!!!!!
ReplyDeleteGreat work team. Like to see all the pictures and the descriptions really bring them to life.
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ReplyDeleteFantastic work! We will be waiting to see some more. From Lochlans Family in Sweden. Morfar Bernt and Irma.
ReplyDeleteThe stories is just getting more and more exciting to read cant wait to hear what the flanimals is getting up to next.
ReplyDeleteDear Room 13 Writers' Squad
ReplyDeleteI really love your flanimals description. Libby I love how you used the word predator and scares. Jayden I really like your Smoothy Move description. It really suits him to be called that. Natalia, Miss 3 legs looks very scary. I really like how you used the word bulging. Micah I do think your flanimal looks chubby and I would hate to be prickled by her. Oh my gosh Zak, where did you learn the words, crouches, defence and electrocutes. They are such WOW words. Lochlan I really like the words slobbery and protect. They are also WOW words. Lincoln I laughed when I read your flanimal name because it fits him so well. He looks like he will erupt at any minute. Sponge Monster is just awesome Jaden. Your writing was so descriptive especially words like smashes, warning and pretends. Wow you guys, great job. I can't wait to read your next description. You are lucky to have Miss Brown to teach you.
WOW WEE Room 13 Writers Squad. What amazing descriptions of your Flanimals. These flanimals really are crazy creatures. I like the way that you have used interesting verbs like bulging, giggle,and stomping. I like the interesting sentence beginnings such as beware and sometimes.
ReplyDeleteSimiles help to paint a picture in my mind and some of you have used interesting similes. Some examples include:
- He looks like volcano rivers
- he is flying like Super Man
In your stories there are some really good words like appearance, defence, electrocute, pretend, massive. These words make your stories very interesting.
Great writing Writer's Squad. I'm looking forward to sharing time next week.
Dear Writers Group
ReplyDeleteMr C here. Wow Lochlan your rabbit report is just amazing. I love how you used the words shuffling, defence and dandelion to describe different things. Zak I love rugby but don't play because I am allergic to pain. I liked how you used the words spikes, sprint and practise. Did you know there are two types of practise/practice? Micah I have two cats called Conan and Stitch and your writing really helped me to take care of them. Thank you so much. Jadan my brother does motocross (not motor cross Miss Brown) and he loves it. I really liked how you used the words goggles, protect, practise and knocked. You are so knowledgeable about this topic. Libby I don't really like swimming because I am allergic to the cold. Your report was so informative though. It told me so much about the different styles and equipment you need. Thank you. Lincoln looking after a dog seems so hard. I would love one but I don't think my cats would like it very much. You really know a lot about how to care for them and what they need. Guinea pigs chew wood? I did not know that Natalia. You also taught me about a hutch and what else they eat. Wow you know so much about how to look after these little creatures. Jayden you used so many amazing words like extinct, desert, sharp and enemies in your report. I let you know a little secret Jayden. I have a pet dinosaur and his name is Simon. He lives in my garage and I feed him whole lettuces and cucumbers just like what a guinea pig would eat. My wife wants to get rid of him because he snores too loud but I like taking him for walks in the dark so no one sees him. You should come with us Jayden. He loves to meet new people.
Thank you so much guys and girls for letting me read your writing. I can't wait to read your next piece of amazing writing.
Mr C
I really enjoyed coming along to the writers squad again today.
ReplyDeleteI liked how you all clapped out your words and how you went back over your sentences. Well done.
Everyone one of you have improved heaps since last time I was there, good on you all.
Look forward to next time.
Monique, Natalia's Mum.
I am literally blown away with the talent in writer’s squad I don’t think I could write riddles as good as you guys have done. I enjoyed reading them all guessing away. Natalia are you a car? Micah are you my favourite dessert of all ice-cream? Lochlan I really had to think about yours it had me going for a while but I am guessing are you a butterfly?
ReplyDeleteMona Lochlans Mum
I read some of the riddles and am pretty sure I know what they are...well auctually I think I know....then again i'm really not sure at all. Unless, it's a rocketship with a leaky engine or a cowboy riding his horse backwards or a giant donut with a bite out of it.
Well I guess your riddles are too hard for me.
Great work team.
Lochlan's Dad.
WOW! can you show us your drawings of your flanimals
ReplyDeletenatalia i think a car micha a ice cream zak a shark lochlan i dont know lincoln a ice cream libby coman welth games jayden a garaife jadan i dont know WELL DONE TEAM you are so smart thank you for sharing you things with us you are awesome and amazing i hope you post more things and i am amazed you get smarter and smarter each year when you grow up you will be so smart and have so much friends and have a happy life well done you put a huge effert in to this and again i say your awesome it is sad you stoped but mabe you could start again before the end of the year again well done so try and encourag miss brown to get the team back together so miss brown please say yes because they are awesome and i want to see more of their work so well done.Miss brown get the team together again if you do i will be so pleased i will hug you so have more fun making things so we can see them well done ! Oh yeah GET THE TEAM TOGETHER miss brown